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This doc assumes you're storing your pages/styles/etc. in a directory called src, and you have the baseUrl option set to src in your tsconfig.json for importing modules from the root.

The useLogin hook provides an abstraction around obtaining an authorization code and fetching refresh/access tokens from WordPress, thus logging in a user to your Headless frontend.

The following example shows how to use the useLogin hook to login a user:

import { client } from 'client';
import { useState } from 'react';

export default function Login() {
const { useLogin } = client.auth;
const [usernameEmail, setUserNameEmail] = useState('');
const [password, setPassword] = useState('');

const { login, isLoading, data, error } = useLogin();

const errorMessage = data?.error || error?.message;

return (
onSubmit={(e) => {

login(usernameEmail, password);
<label htmlFor="usernameEmail">Username or Email</label>
onChange={(e) => setUserNameEmail(}

<label htmlFor="password">Password</label>
onChange={(e) => setPassword(}

<button type="submit">Login</button>

{errorMessage ? <p>Error: {errorMessage}</p> : null}

useLogin exports an object with the following properties:

  • login: A function that initiates a request to obtain an authorization code via a GraphQL mutation by the provided usernameEmail and password arguments. Note that the usernameEmail argument is a string that can be either a username or an email address.
  • isLoading: A boolean that indicates whether the login function is currently fetching an authorization code.
  • data: An object that contains the response data from the login function.
  • error: An object that contains the error data from the login function.

When an authorization code is successfully fetched, useLogin will facilitate the request to the FaustWP plugin's authorize endpoint to obtain the refresh/access tokens. From there, the tokens are stored properly, and the user is logged in.

Additionally, if the login page URL contains a redirect_uri query parameter, the user will be redirected to the redirect_uri URL after the login is successful.