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Deploy Your Faust.js App

Picking The Right Node.js Version

Faust.js supports Node.js v14.x and v16.x. Please make sure you are using a Node.js version that is compatible when deploying to avoid unexpected errors.

Building Your App

Faust.js is build on top of Next.js, so the build process is identical. Take a look at the Next.js Build API for info relating to how Next.js generates an optimized production build.

Deploying To Atlas

Atlas is the most effortless way to deploy a Faust.js app. Connect your GitHub repo and Atlas will automatically build and deploy your Faust.js project on each push. Some of the benefits you get out of the box are:

  • Automatic installation of required plugins (FaustWP, WPGraphQL, etc.)
  • Automatic setup of Faust.js environment variables
  • Automatic configuration of FaustWP headless settings
  • WordPress and your headless app live in the same place
  • Automatic rebuilds on code changes
  • Support for custom domains

Deploy your Faust.js app and try Atlas for free!

Self Hosted

You can also self host Faust.js apps on any hosting provider that supports Node.js.

To self host your Faust.js app, you will need to first build the app, then start it. Make sure you have the next build and next start scripts specified in your package.json file:

"scripts": {
"build": "next build",
"start": "next start"

Then, from the Node.js server run npm run build to build the app and npm run start to start it.