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The getNextServerSideProps function lets you server side render your page with WordPress data. The function should be returned from getServerSideProps which is required by Next.js to perform Server-Side Rendering (SSR):

export async function getServerSideProps(context: GetServerSidePropsContext) {
return getNextServerSideProps(context, {
Page: MyPage,

The getNextServerSideProps function accepts two arguments: the server side props context, and an object (type GetNextServerSidePropsConfig) with a Page key. This should be your Next.js page component.

The reason MyPage and client are passed to getNextServerSideProps is because under the hood Faust.js performs a skeleton render of the page component to know what data to fetch and what queries to build. This allows the developer to not have to think about batching/constructing queries, or data fetching.

Context parameter

This is the same object that Next.js provides in the getServerSideProps. You can read the list of parameters here.

GetNextServerSidePropsConfig parameter

The second argument of getNextServerSideProps is of type GetNextServerSidePropsConfig and accepts the following parameters:

  • Page: The current page component. It can be any valid React Element.
  • client: The GQty client.
  • notFound: The notFound boolean allows the page to return a 404 status and 404 Page. This is used by Next.js to force a page return a 404 even if there was a successfully generated page before.
  • redirect: The redirect object allows redirecting to internal and external resources. It should match the shape of { destination: string, permanent: boolean }.
  • props: The props object is any other key value pairs of properties where each value is received by the Page component.

getNextServerSideProps return values

The getNextServerSideProps function returns an object that is required by the getServerSideProps function.