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This doc assumes you're storing your pages/styles/etc. in a directory called src, and you have the baseUrl option set to src in your tsconfig.json for importing modules from the root.

The useAuth hook provides a way to guarantee a users' authentication state, thus allowing you to control how a page's content is rendered.

The useAuth hook accepts 1 argument of UseAuthOptions, which is an object that contains the following properties:

const options = {
// Specify if the useAuth hook should facilitate the redirect to the appropriate url.
shouldRedirect: true;

By default, if the user is not authenticated, the page will redirect to the WordPress backend if the authType is redirect, and to the loginPagePath if authType is local.

However, if the shouldRedirect option is false, the useAuth hook will not facilitate the redirect.

The example below shows how to use the useAuth hook to render a page that requires authentication. If a user is authenticated, they will be shown the content. Otherwise, they will be redirected to the appropriate URL to authenticate:

import { client } from 'client';

export default function Gated() {
const { useAuth } = client.auth;
const { isLoading, isAuthenticated } = useAuth();

if (isLoading) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;

return <div>Authenticated content</div>;

Additionally, the example below shows how to use useAuth with the shouldRedirect option set to false. This will disable the automatic redirect to the appropriate URL to authenticate, and allows you to control how the page's content is rendered in an unauthenticated state:

import { client } from 'client';

export default function Gated() {
const { useAuth } = client.auth;
const { isLoading, isAuthenticated, authResult } = useAuth({
shouldRedirect: false,

if (isLoading) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;

if (!isAuthenticated) {
return <div>You are not authenticated! Please login.</div>;

return <div>Authenticated content</div>;

useAuth exports an object with the following properties:

  • isLoading: A boolean that indicates whether the useAuth function is currently checking if a user is authenticated.

  • isAuthenticated: A boolean that indicates whether the user is authenticated.

  • authResult: The result from checking if there is an authenticated user.

    If there is an authenticated user, the authResult will be true. Otherwise, the authResult will be an object with the following properties:

    The authResult object when there is no authenticated user
    * An absolute URL to the WordPress backend that the user should be redirected to in order to authenticate.
    * This property is used for the "redirect" based authentication strategy
    redirect: 'xxxx';

    * A relative URL path to the local login page as specified in the `loginPagePath` option.
    * This property is used for the "local" based authentication strategy
    login: 'xxxx';

    The authResult can be helpful if you want to handle the redirection yourself, instead of the useAuth hook.